I love spending time with my wife and boys. Next on my list would be computers and a plethora of other electronic gadgets, playing basketball, and doing whatever the rest of the This Hope guys are doing. Also, I love to write music. For me there is nothing like it.
Pizza, but it sounds better if I say Italian Cuisine. Also, my wife’s Stromboli and I’m a dip fanatic.
Big Daddy Weave, Capital Kings, Dan Bremnes, TobyMac, Francesca Battistelli, NF, Jeremy Camp
My favorite verses are James 4:7,8. These verses have taught me that I must let go of myself more and more each day in submission and humility to my Creator. This allows Him to enter into my every thought and action (verse 8). It is then that I can resist the devil (verse 7), speak to Him with proper motives (verse 3), accept His grace fully (verse 6), and be lifted up by Him (verse 10).
My family moved to Alaska when I was 6 weeks old and I spent the next 20 years of my life trying to stay warm. I’m not much of an Alaskan. Although I loved skiing I never really enjoyed the hunting, fishing, hiking thing. For all Alaskans who now have their mouths wide open in shock that anyone could ever not love being outdoors in the great state of Alaska… please disregard the previous two statements. I really like the south. Mostly because it is not cold.
I studied music both in Alaska and California before singing in This Hope (though I think I spent more time playing than actually studying.) The guys still laugh at the fact that my course list included fencing, acting, Kendo (Japanese sword fighting), and modern dance (what was I thinking). If you are really into modern dance and think I was at all making fun of my participation in such an activity…please disregard the previous statement.
In 1994 I married my wonderful wife Marcy. She is my best friend. We are blessed to have two sons, Zachary and Alexander. I thought I knew what it would be like to have kids, but until you have them you just can’t know how cool they are. I love being a dad.
I feel blessed to be in This Hope. When I was about seven years old a quartet came to our church and sang a song about frogs (interesting that that’s all I remember). If you don’t like songs about frogs or singing groups who sing about frogs, or me being influenced by singing groups that sing about frogs… please disregard my last statement. I thought it would be amazing to write music and sing in a group like the frog singers! My mom still had to force me to sing in church with our family until I was in high school. I remember crying as I walked on stage one time. Not because I was shy or embarrassed. It was just because I DIDN’T WANT TO dog-gone it! My mom was triumphant though and I thank her for making me use the gifts God has given me. I started to really love music in high school and the rest is history.
On a more serious note, the most important thing you should know about me is that, yes I am in a “ministry”, and yes, our Creator has graciously taken away my sin, but I am so imperfect. I struggle every day with sin in its gruesome and destructive fashion. The mind boggling thing is that He loves me anyway, and continues to mold me. It is hard to even comprehend this love of a perfect Father whose intimate personal concern for me cannot be swayed no matter what I do! To know me is to know only God’s grace that has enabled me to be who I am.
If you are interested in a love like that, please take a look at Who Is Jesus.
By the way I love getting email so fire away!