During the winter months, we make a concerted effort to avoid bad weather.  Snow is so beautiful while it is falling, but it often turns to ice after hitting the roadways.  And ice is never the preferred driving surface while operating a twenty ton vehicle.  On our way home from California last week, we chose the furthest southern route in order to escape a foot of snow in Flagsaff, AZ.  That route took us through El Paso, TX, which is a snow-ball’s throw from Mexico.  You guessed it.  Upon arrival in El Paso, we were greeted by a blanket of big, fat, juicy snow flakes.  Fortunately, the snow didn’t stick.  For a bunch of former Alaskans, driving through a snowstorm in El Paso, TX is someting to write home about!

Speaking of Alaska, we have to tell you about a young girl who accepted Christ this past December.  Beth* surrendered her heart to Christ after a concert at our hometown church in Soldotna, AK.  There is an element of trepidation for those who have the joy of watching a new believer take their first steps of obedience.  Like the parent who watches their toddler take those first steps, they wonder how soon this new Christian will understand that faithfulness to Christ is simply a day-by-day walk of abiding in Him?

Such was not a worry with Beth!  Not long before her conversion, she found a much higher paying job with great benefits.  However, her new work schedule conflicted with opportunities for her to attend church, and to be involved in a bible study.  So, she contacted her previous employer, and took her old job back in order to have time to pursue these new priorities in her life.  She didn’t stop there, though.  Within the first few weeks of her new-found faith, she realized that the relationship she had with her boyfriend was a hindrance to her growing relationship with Christ.  Even though it was difficult, she knew that ending the relationship was the right thing to do.

Beth is a remarkable testimony to the transforming power of the gospel!  But what about those of us who are still learning to let go of the reigns of our own life?  We can certainly find encouragement by watching Beth.  We can also find reassurance as we remember Ephesians 1, and the work of the Holy Spirit who seals and guarantees our eternal inheritance.  Praise God that our salvation does not find it’s foundation in who we are apart from Christ or what we can accomplish through our own efforts.  Lord, help us to lay down our life, take up our cross, and walk with You today!
*Names have been changed

One Response

  1. What a wonderful story about a young woman surrendering her life to Christ! I pray that she continues her walk with Christ with ever-increasing faith and lets her light shine in this dark world!

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